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The Podcast Talent Coach podcast is dedicated to helping you transform your information into engaging entertainment, so we can turn your podcast into powerful, profitable relationships.

Feb 25, 2016

Essential Elements of Powerful Storytelling – Episode 129




Have you noticed a lot of interview podcasts in your niche sound the same? We are hearing the same guests answer the same questions time and time again. How do you become unique in this sea of sameness?

Storytelling can transform your...

Feb 18, 2016

Stronger Content With Better Podcast Prep (Free: Show Prep Cheat Sheet) – Episode 128


Do you wish your content was stronger. When you add stories and proper preparation to your podcast, your show will create more engagement.


Your episode could have more momentum and your presentation more spontaneity if you used...

Feb 12, 2016

The Deconstruction Of A Podcast Episode – Episode 127


In a previous episode of Podcast Talent Coach, I shared 7 ways to drive listeners away from your show. One of the main points suggested you treat every listener as if they are new to the show. We need to continually feed the funnel.


Joshua Liston from The...

Feb 4, 2016

Focus On Current Or New Podcast Listeners? – Episode 126


In a previous episode of Podcast Talent Coach, I shared 7 ways to drive listeners away from your show. We work so hard to gain listeners. Why would we ever drive them away.


Joshua Liston from The Deadly Arnold podcast was checking out my back catalog when...