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The Podcast Talent Coach podcast is dedicated to helping you transform your information into engaging entertainment, so we can turn your podcast into powerful, profitable relationships.

Feb 28, 2015

Create Results Without A Big List – Episode 081


This week I am at the Country Radio Seminar in Nashville, Tennessee. It has been an amazing week so far. I am learning so much about audience engagement and am looking forward to sharing it with you in the coming weeks.


A few years ago, I saw an amazing presentation...

Feb 18, 2015

6 Ways To Score The Big Interview - Episode 080


Many podcasters conduct interviews as part of their show. If you fit that category, and you are like most of us, you probably struggle to convince those top shelf names to make an appearance on your show.


What is the trick? How do you land that big guest for...

Feb 11, 2015

How To Turn Overwhelm Into Focused Power – Episode 079


This week, I received an e-mail from Cynthia Davis from and her podcast “Home Front”. She is finding herself overwhelmed by everything she hopes to accomplish with her podcast. In this episode, I offer a few suggestions to defeat that...

Feb 6, 2015

52 Tips To Attract Podcast Traffic

Here are 52 ways to engage your audience, attract them to visit your website and draw them to your podcast.

When you shine the spotlight on your listener, they will tell others about it.

When engagement is easy for your listener with a clear benefit, traffic and engagement...